About the Blue Wizard


Growing up I was always fascinated by food. From the age of 2, I started baking Christmas cookies with my mother, and by the age of 12 I was making meals for the family. TV chefs also had me fascinated as a youngster. I really enjoyed watching personalities like Julia Child, Jacques Pepin and Rachael Ray. Later on I grew fascinated with the idea of becoming a chef and doing this hobby of mine as a profession. My mother, a woman of crafty intelligence, decided to put my passion to the test. She had me cater a large party that we were having at the house. I decided quickly that though I enjoyed cooking and baking, they weren’t tasks that I was prepared to do all day, everyday for the rest of my life. It was then that I settled quite comfortably into the role of home cook, and turned to other passions for my career. I am now quite happy as a high school biology teacher.

One of the best aspects of making food, though, is sharing it with others. I soon discovered, as I live alone, that those opportunities do not come as often as when you live with a large family, and I found that my freezer was chock full of all manner of treats and meals that I hadn’t had the opportunity to share yet. This let me look for other ways to share my hobby with others. I thought maybe I would start a little side business where I made and sold baked goods to others. I then found out that part of selling your wares was asking others for money, a task which I found thoroughly distasteful. I had decided long ago that I didn’t want to do this as my profession, and I wanted this to stay a hobby. So I ended my side hustle quickly.

Then came my next great idea to share out my fun with others. YouTube. I started a channel to share recipes (linked above), which is small but growing, and now I’m starting this blog to share even more recipes, tips and tricks as I don’t have to film and edit a video to do so. It makes me so happy to put all I’ve learned to good use and to join the ever-growing community of food-tubers and food-bloggers. It makes me even more happy to be able to show people that they don’t have to be pro to make pro-quality food. I hope that you’ll try out the recipes and techniques that I share here and then share your goodies with your friends and family. For I find that food is truly best when it’s shared.
