The Best Air Fryer Steak Dinner!
Vegetables, Meat Blue Wizard Vegetables, Meat Blue Wizard

The Best Air Fryer Steak Dinner!

Is your steak constantly coming out of your air fryer all grey, and low on flavor? I have the answer. Follow my recipe and you’ll produce a deliciously browned and wonderfully flavored steak. Not only that, but you’ll get two sides to cook along side. A full steak dinner for two all in your air fryer!

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Tik Tok Pasta…..My Way
Pasta/Dumplings Blue Wizard Pasta/Dumplings Blue Wizard

Tik Tok Pasta…..My Way

That famous pasta from that famous social platform, but I did it my way. Still the deliciousness of the feta and tomato, but amped up with some zucchini, lemon and herbs. This is an easy dish that is sure to be a favorite.

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Cherry Pie from Scratch!
Desserts, Pies and Pastries Blue Wizard Desserts, Pies and Pastries Blue Wizard

Cherry Pie from Scratch!

This cherry pie recipe has been a long time in the making for me. I wanted to get it just right and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. This pie is a true celebration of cherries and be ready for me to share a new pastry technique that will have you making the perfect pie crust every time!

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Hummole (Avocado Hummus)
Appetizers, Dips Blue Wizard Appetizers, Dips Blue Wizard

Hummole (Avocado Hummus)

If you’ve ever been put off by the texture of hummus, this is the recipe for you. This combines all the best parts of two great dips, hummus and guacamole! You’ll love all the creamy texture and avocado flavor of guac with the health benefits and unique flavor that only hummus can provide.

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Favorite Vanilla Cake
Desserts, Cakes Blue Wizard Desserts, Cakes Blue Wizard

Favorite Vanilla Cake

The best vanilla cake that I’ve ever made! Don’t ever think of vanilla cake as too basic ever again. Make this cake and you’ll taste a punch of vanilla balanced with a nice buttery flavor that will knock your and your family’s socks off!

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Zofia’s Potato Dumplings
Pasta/Dumplings Blue Wizard Pasta/Dumplings Blue Wizard

Zofia’s Potato Dumplings

A super easy recipe with a super huge flavor punch! These potato dumplings are one of the first recipes that my grandmother, Zofia, taught me. These Potatoey Pillows of Goodness are a staple at my family’s Thanksgiving table!

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Chicken Baked Ziti
Pasta/Dumplings, Poultry Blue Wizard Pasta/Dumplings, Poultry Blue Wizard

Chicken Baked Ziti

Easier than lasagna, but just as delicious, this pasta ticks all the boxes of great Italian-American cuisine. This dish is packed with great tomato flavors and delicious herbs which pack a huge flavor punch that will keep your family and friends coming back for more.

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Queen of Sheba Cake
Desserts, Cakes Blue Wizard Desserts, Cakes Blue Wizard

Queen of Sheba Cake

In honor of Julia Child’s birthday, I made one of her most iconic desserts, the Queen of Sheba. This chocolate and almond cake is deliciously decadent, but feels lite and tastes not too sweet. It’s the perfect dessert for any fancy occasion.

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